
Upload Files

After downloading the requires files from the Customization Console create a folder on your webserver in the root called linkzu. Upload the four files from above into that folder on your webserver.

Add code to web page

Now that you have all the files you need in the right place. Place the following code anywhere between the HEAD tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/linkzu/linkzu_style.css" type="text/css"></link>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/linkzu/linkzu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/linkzu/linkzu_seeds.js"></script>

Replace the opening BODY tag with the one below.

<body onmouseup="linkzushow(event);" onclick="linkzuhide(event);" onload="initlinkzu();">

You can use a sever-side scripting language such as PHP, ASP, JSP, etc... to dynamically genrate the lines of code listed above. In certain versions of web server software (Apache, IIS) you may be able to automatically attach the lines of code above to every single page served up by the web server

Quickstart Template Files

The files below are standard style and links files to get started quickly without using the customization console. Click on each link below to download each file.

  1. Main Linkzu file
  2. Link file that defines links
  3. Style file that define how LinkZu looks
  4. Logo File (optional)

The above files are basic files to get you started. If you want to fully customize LinkZu's look and links use the Customization Console link from the navbar at top.

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